The Ultimate Raksha Bandhan Gift Guide

The Ultimate Raksha Bandhan Gift Guide:

We commissioned the ‘Club of bedraggled Brothers and Sisters’ at Jholmaal to share their wish-list and throw some tips our way- No-nonsense ways to win the day.  

Brothers and Sisters panicking over the impending Raksha Bandhan, sweat not. You are at the right place. Despite the impressive screaming matches that destroy the household, we know you love your sibling. But won’t say it out loud. What better way than a quirky rakhi gift to tell it better? 

If you are a brother in the quest for that perfect rakhi gift for your little sister darling, head here. If you are a sister brooding over boring rakhi, read on.


The Rakhi Ritual: Gifting your Brother

Go small or Go home:

It is often the smallest of things that hold the greatest of joys. The more minute your detail is, the better are the results. It shows that you notice even as you feign indifference. It can be the chilled beer he drinks to unwind. Or that annoying PUBG game that gets on your nerves. We know you hate it but be the Martyr this Raksha Bandhan. Remind him of all the good things. His plans. His ambitions. His bike and road trips. Themed rakhis are the way forward. 


Set the trend:

Taking a leaf from history. Raksha Bandhan is a tradition steeped in age-old legends. From Vedic ages, through Mughal dynasties till the tumultuous 2020, it has managed to stay alive. The key to that? Change.        

Get in touch with the trend. Rakhi isn't a simple red wristband anymore. He is sure to cherish it but when was boring ever fun? Rakhis with semi-precious stones and antique metal have long been laid to rest. Raise the bar. Set the trend. You know you nailed it if goes well with his stylish new jacket.

If you still have doubts, go with our rakhi mantra of the year- 'Quirky and Quintessential'


=> Remember, making him feel super cool is the best rakhi gift you can give. 


Food for thought:

Brothers aren't bonds of blood. That tea stall bhai who makes sure you get safety on the bus is one too. So is that security who holds the lift for you. Give them the most thoughtful rakhis. Show them how much they mean. They deserve only the best. You may find a set of solid gold-plated (as pure as their heart) rakhis for cheat prizes that suit such needs. 



The Thirteenth Labour: Gifting your Sister

Gifting is hard. Gifting your sister is Herculian. You know she has everything. Everything. (Some of which you have broken.) But gifting is impossible. They have a theory for everything. And can differentiate between insanely identical lipsticks. 

We understand there are extremes and the possibilities infinite. Highly fashionable versus subtle bookworm or brash biker versus loud party spirit. Don't worry. When in trouble. Repeat after us. The mantra is 'pretty and practical '. 


The Pretty:

Every girl likes pretty. It doesn’t spell bling or pink. Pretty points to art that looks and feels good. And women are extremely attuned to it. A set of 100 quirky studs should a humble start. Or a necklace. No! Not next-door-aunty type ones. Goofy 3D Galaxy necklaces she can tuck under her shirt and rub for good luck. It shall appeal to her starry-eyed spirit. We guarantee she will never take it off. 


The Practical:

Practical gifts put you in a whole new spotlight. It can turn you from shallow to Superhero within a matter of minutes. For instance, Girls agree that a portable makeup mirror is something they want but never buy. Get her one. If you are feeling adventurous, add a techy edge to it with finger touch LED makeup stands. You shall be blessed. Or a quirky earring organizer so now you don't accidentally knock off yet another stud.



 If you grimace that is too predictable- go for our wildcard. A color-changing nail polish (pretty) and a wearable nail polish holder ring (practical). Thank us later. 





Your sister is more than just beautiful. She is bold, brave, and boisterous. You have seen her drive. Make sure you appreciate it.

Appeal to her passion. Get her a magical dream catcher to show you believe in her dreams (because that would be too mushy to tell).

 A glossy world map with copper foil finishes for her bedroom wall, where she can scratch the destinations she has been to. Feed her wanderlust. Get her going! (Added perk: You can have the TV for yourself while she is out on her trip)




And there we have it. Dear Reader, you are now a master gifter, all set to win hearts this Raksha Bandhan. The Club of bedraggled Brothers and Sisters’ at Jholmaal wishes you a happy Raksha Bandhan. May the quirk be with you. 

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