Roarsome Gifts For Leos In 2021

Leo, the sign of the lion. It is the fire sign and their personality is more of the self-focused and loyal type. They’re ruled by the Sun and start from 23rd July to 22nd August. Leos can be very aggressive and competitive. Getting an ideal gift for them isn’t the easiest task at hand. Their traits are hard to read and considering how very dynamic they are, getting them a gift they’ll like is a tedious task. Their confidence is sky high and their ambitious nature helps them achieve the unachievable. They’re the Meenammas of their lives, for “impossible” doesn’t exist in their dictionary (oh and if you think gifting them a better one would be great, no it won’t be.) Jholu understands and empathises with your confusion and to help you choose from such a wide range, here’s what he has come up with. 


Leos and their loyalty is unquestionable, for they’d do anything to prove that they’d never betray you. The friend everyone counts on and likes, yes that’s what Leos are all about.

  • They’ve a very soft side to them which is always hidden but if you’re lucky enough you get to see it. Knowing this side of them you’d know, a Unicorn Hut Lamp is a gift that's definitely going to melt their hearts. They hate to admit but such sweet gestures makes them happy from the inside even when on the outside they seem to be unmoved.

    Unicorn Hut Lamp

  •  They love themselves a little too much and attention is what they feed themselves, not in the wrong way though. They surely have a personality that makes everyone admire them more than anyone else. To boost that confidence, a Neon LED Electroluminescent Bowtie is ideal. It is different and syncs well with their personality.

    Neon LED Electroluminiscent Bowtie


Leos are one of the most fun zodiacs to be around. They know how to put life in a dying party or into anything that doesn’t seem to be working out. For such dynamic souls, something equally dynamic fits perfectly.

  • Quirky gifts do qualify for dynamicity. Leos can be gifted something quirky, and nothing will go wrong. Bobble heads would be a great one. A 3D Joker Bobblehead is a gift which surely will resonate with their personality.

    3D Joker Bobblehead

  • Leos aren’t the funniest of them all but they do have a funny side to them. Puns definitely run in their veins and a Send Noods Lapel Pin is one quirky, punny gift for them. 

    Send Noods Lapel Pin Badge


Confidence is something Leos never lack but at times the lion needs a little assistance and support too, right? Being the friend who has their back no matter what, will always prove to be good for you.

  • Validation is something all of us carve for and somewhere even Leos crave for it. Giving them the assurance with the You're Doing Great Lapel Pin Badge will boost their confidence and make them feel so much better than before.

    You're Doing Great Lapel Pin Badge


Self-love and their space matters the most to them. For a Leo, someone invading their space is unacceptable. If there’s anything one can do for them is get them something which will make their “Me-Time” even more special. 

  • Self-care for Leos is like spending evenings in solace- by themselves, with a hot beverage. A 3D Unicorn Mug definitely gives them that feeling of self-care and allows them to focus on themselves. 

    3D Unicorn Mug (Golden Lining)

  • Pampering oneself with the comfiest sleeping mask is the best thing ever. Considering their comfort while choosing a gift makes you a great friend to be with. A Unicorn Sleeping Mask is a great self-care gift you can get a Leo. 

    Unicorn Sleeping Mask Super Soft

Getting to be friends with a Leo in itself is a great feeling and making them smile will definitely fill your heart with joy! They have their own different ways to show their love, from being protective or loyal to you. They can come off as mean or fierce when you meet them for the first time but eventually as they unfurl their petals, you meet the sweethearts they’re. Gifting these gems according to what they like and desire, is essential. So go ahead and add these products to your jhola and gift your Leos your warmth and affection in disguise. 

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