No Cap, The Best Gift For Capricorns

Capricorn season is right around the corner and so is the year-end. Thinking about this year, all we can think of is being proud of us all for surviving it. It was one hell of a year. Capricorns are one of those signs who have never entirely witnessed a lockdown birthday and we are glad they have not. To make their special day more special like them, we have got your back (like they have got yours)

For those unaware, the Capricorn season is from 22nd December to 20th January. They belong to the Earth sign and are considered to be calm and practical. For these really hard-working and ambitious people, we have just the perfect gifts in line, according to their common traits. 

Best Gifts For A Gemini To Wow Them!

People with their zodiac as Gemini are charismatic, knowledgeable, and intelligent. What makes them different is their curiosity to learn and know more. Ruled by the planet Mercury and starting from 21st May to 21st June, these signs are generally very calm. Gifting a person with multiple traits like these can be difficult. Maybe they like it, maybe they don’t? But Gemini’s have a few traits that make picking out gifts for them easy. And we’ve got it covered. Right from the things they like to want, we’ve them all in-store.

Best Father's Day Gifts For The Best Dad Ever 2021

We grow up, get old and in this process we fail to realise that this one person who has been our pillar all this while is growing old too. Father’s Day is a marvellous day for you to tell him how special he is to you. We present to you a list of ideas for Father’s day 2021, to make your first hero, first love, smile.


Beat the lockdown blues with quarantine gifts!

 Amid the lockdown, not getting to meet our loved ones and not getting to celebrate such special occasions with them has made all of us sad and cranky. Amid the trauma and pain, all we wish for is a warm hug from our loved ones, but social distancing doesn’t let us do that either. Here’s a list of 5 Quarantine gifts which will surely deliver a package full of love and warmth when it reaches their doorstep

We either have a friend who is a Potterhead or we are that friend, who is overly obsessed with Harry Potter & Harry Potter Inspired Merchandise. Since the time we’ve known about its existence, all we crave for is that one letter from Hogwarts, wish for Hagrid to drop at our house at midnight with a poorly iced cake and take us with him to the Diagon Alley. Since that isn’t really possible, Jholmaal brings to you the best Harry Potter Merchandise in India. These Harry Potter themed gifts will surely light up your day. Jholu brings to you 9¾ Harry Potter merchandise you could shop from:

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